Source code for distarray.globalapi.context

# encoding: utf-8
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Copyright (C) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team and Enthought, Inc.
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  See COPYING.rst.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

`Context` objects contain the information required for `DistArray`\s to
communicate with `LocalArray`\s.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import atexit
import collections
import types
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from functools import wraps

import numpy

from distarray.externals import six
from distarray import DISTARRAY_BASE_NAME
from distarray.globalapi import ipython_cleanup
from distarray.globalapi.distarray import DistArray
from distarray.globalapi.maps import Distribution, asdistribution

from distarray.globalapi.ipython_utils import IPythonClient
from distarray.utils import uid, nonce, has_exactly_one
from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxy

# mpi context
from distarray.mpionly_utils import (make_targets_comm,
                                     get_world_rank, initial_comm_setup,
                                     is_solo_mpi_process, get_comm_world,
                                     mpi, push_function)

[docs]class BaseContext(object): """ Context objects manage the setup and communication of the worker processes for DistArray objects. A DistArray object has a context, and contexts have an MPI intracommunicator that they use to communicate with worker processes. Typically there is just one context object that uses all processes, although it is possible to have more than one context with a different selection of engines. """ _CLEANUP = None @abstractmethod def __init__(self): raise TypeError("The base context class is not meant to be " "instantiated on its own.") @abstractmethod
[docs] def cleanup(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] def make_subcomm(self, new_targets): pass
[docs] def apply(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, autoproxyize=False): pass
[docs] def push_function(self, key, func): pass
def _setup_context_key(self): """ Create a dict on the engines which will hold everything from this context. """ context_key = uid() cmd = ("import types, sys;" "%s = types.ModuleType('%s');") cmd %= (context_key, context_key) self._execute(cmd, self.all_targets) return context_key @staticmethod def _key_prefix(): """ Get the base name for all keys. """ return DISTARRAY_BASE_NAME def _generate_key(self): """ Generate a unique key name for this context. """ key = "%s_%s" % (self.context_key, uid()) return key def _key_and_push(self, *values, **kwargs): keys = [self._generate_key() for value in values] targets = kwargs.get('targets', self.targets) def _local_key_and_push(kvs): from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxy return [Proxy(key, val, '__main__') for key, val in kvs] result = self.apply(_local_key_and_push, (zip(keys, values), ), targets=targets) return tuple(result[0])
[docs] def delete_key(self, key, targets=None): """ Delete the specific key from all the engines. """ def _local_delete(obj): from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxy from importlib import import_module if isinstance(obj, Proxy): obj.cleanup() else: main = import_module('__main__') delattr(main, obj) targets = targets or self.targets with self.view.temp_flags(targets=targets): self.view.apply_sync(_local_delete, key)
def _create_local(self, local_call, shape_or_dist, dtype): """Creates LocalArrays with the method named in `local_call`.""" def create_local(local_call, ddpr, dtype, comm): from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution if len(ddpr) == 0: dim_data = () else: dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] local_call = eval(local_call) distribution = Distribution(comm=comm, dim_data=dim_data) rval = local_call(distribution=distribution, dtype=dtype) return proxyize(rval) distribution = asdistribution(self, shape_or_dist) ddpr = distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() args = [local_call, ddpr, dtype, distribution.comm] da_key = self.apply(create_local, args=args, targets=distribution.targets)[0] return DistArray.from_localarrays(da_key, distribution=distribution, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def empty(self, shape_or_dist, dtype=float): """Create an empty Distarray. Parameters ---------- shape_or_dist : shape tuple or Distribution object dtype : NumPy dtype, optional (default float) Returns ------- DistArray A DistArray distributed as specified, with uninitialized values. """ return self._create_local(local_call='distarray.localapi.empty', shape_or_dist=shape_or_dist, dtype=dtype,)
[docs] def zeros(self, shape_or_dist, dtype=float): """Create a Distarray filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- shape_or_dist : shape tuple or Distribution object dtype : NumPy dtype, optional (default float) Returns ------- DistArray A DistArray distributed as specified, filled with zeros. """ return self._create_local(local_call='distarray.localapi.zeros', shape_or_dist=shape_or_dist, dtype=dtype,)
[docs] def ones(self, shape_or_dist, dtype=float): """Create a Distarray filled with ones. Parameters ---------- shape_or_dist : shape tuple or Distribution object dtype : NumPy dtype, optional (default float) Returns ------- DistArray A DistArray distributed as specified, filled with ones. """ return self._create_local(local_call='distarray.localapi.ones', shape_or_dist=shape_or_dist, dtype=dtype,)
[docs] def allclose(self, a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): adist = a.distribution bdist = b.distribution if not adist.is_compatible(bdist): raise ValueError("%r and %r have incompatible distributions.") def local_allclose(la, lb, rtol, atol): from numpy import allclose return allclose(la.ndarray, lb.ndarray, rtol, atol) local_results = self.apply(local_allclose, (a.key, b.key, rtol, atol), targets=a.targets) return all(local_results)
[docs] def save_dnpy(self, name, da): """ Save a distributed array to files in the ``.dnpy`` format. The ``.dnpy`` file format is a binary format inspired by NumPy's ``.npy`` format. The header of a particular ``.dnpy`` file contains information about which portion of a DistArray is saved in it (using the metadata outlined in the Distributed Array Protocol), and the data portion contains the output of NumPy's `save` function for the local array data. See the module docstring for `distarray.localapi.format` for full details. Parameters ---------- name : str or list of str If a str, this is used as the prefix for the filename used by each engine. Each engine will save a file named ``<name>_<rank>.dnpy``. If a list of str, each engine will use the name at the index corresponding to its rank. An exception is raised if the length of this list is not the same as the context's communicator's size. da : DistArray Array to save to files. Raises ------ TypeError If `name` is an sequence whose length is different from the context's communicator's size. See Also -------- load_dnpy : Loading files saved with save_dnpy. """ def _local_save_dnpy(local_arr, fname_base): from distarray.localapi import save_dnpy fname = "%s_%s.dnpy" % (fname_base, local_arr.comm_rank) save_dnpy(fname, local_arr) def _local_save_dnpy_names(local_arr, fnames): from distarray.localapi import save_dnpy fname = fnames[local_arr.comm_rank] save_dnpy(fname, local_arr) if isinstance(name, six.string_types): func = _local_save_dnpy elif isinstance(name, collections.Sequence): if len(name) != len(self.targets): errmsg = "`name` must be the same length as `self.targets`." raise TypeError(errmsg) func = _local_save_dnpy_names else: errmsg = "`name` must be a string or a list." raise TypeError(errmsg) self.apply(func, (da.key, name), targets=da.targets)
[docs] def load_dnpy(self, name): """ Load a distributed array from ``.dnpy`` files. The ``.dnpy`` file format is a binary format inspired by NumPy's ``.npy`` format. The header of a particular ``.dnpy`` file contains information about which portion of a DistArray is saved in it (using the metadata outlined in the Distributed Array Protocol), and the data portion contains the output of NumPy's `save` function for the local array data. See the module docstring for `distarray.localapi.format` for full details. Parameters ---------- name : str or list of str If a str, this is used as the prefix for the filename used by each engine. Each engine will load a file named ``<name>_<rank>.dnpy``. If a list of str, each engine will use the name at the index corresponding to its rank. An exception is raised if the length of this list is not the same as the context's communicator's size. Returns ------- result : DistArray A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded on each engine. Raises ------ TypeError If `name` is an iterable whose length is different from the context's communicator's size. See Also -------- save_dnpy : Saving files to load with with load_dnpy. """ def _local_load_dnpy(comm, fname_base): from distarray.localapi import load_dnpy fname = "%s_%s.dnpy" % (fname_base, comm.Get_rank()) local_arr = load_dnpy(comm, fname) return proxyize(local_arr) def _local_load_dnpy_names(comm, fnames): from distarray.localapi import load_dnpy fname = fnames[comm.Get_rank()] local_arr = load_dnpy(comm, fname) return proxyize(local_arr) if isinstance(name, six.string_types): func = _local_load_dnpy elif isinstance(name, collections.Sequence): if len(name) != len(self.targets): errmsg = "`name` must be the same length as `self.targets`." raise TypeError(errmsg) func = _local_load_dnpy_names else: errmsg = "`name` must be a string or a list." raise TypeError(errmsg) da_key = self.apply(func, (self.comm, name), targets=self.targets) return DistArray.from_localarrays(da_key[0], context=self)
[docs] def save_hdf5(self, filename, da, key='buffer', mode='a'): """ Save a DistArray to a dataset in an ``.hdf5`` file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to write to. da : DistArray Array to save to a file. key : str, optional The identifier for the group to save the DistArray to (the default is 'buffer'). mode : optional, {'w', 'w-', 'a'}, default 'a' ``'w'`` Create file, truncate if exists ``'w-'`` Create file, fail if exists ``'a'`` Read/write if exists, create otherwise (default) """ try: # this is just an early check, # h5py isn't necessary until the local call on the engines import h5py except ImportError: errmsg = "An MPI-enabled h5py must be available to use save_hdf5." raise ImportError(errmsg) def _local_save_dnpy(filename, local_arr, key, mode): from distarray.localapi import save_hdf5 save_hdf5(filename, local_arr, key, mode) self.apply(_local_save_dnpy, (filename, da.key, key, mode), targets=da.targets)
[docs] def load_npy(self, filename, distribution): """ Load a DistArray from a dataset in a ``.npy`` file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to load. distribution: Distribution object Returns ------- result : DistArray A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded. """ def _local_load_npy(filename, ddpr, comm): from distarray.localapi import load_npy if len(ddpr): dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] else: dim_data = () return proxyize(load_npy(comm, filename, dim_data)) ddpr = distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() da_key = self.apply(_local_load_npy, (filename, ddpr, distribution.comm), targets=distribution.targets) return DistArray.from_localarrays(da_key[0], distribution=distribution)
[docs] def load_hdf5(self, filename, distribution, key='buffer'): """ Load a DistArray from a dataset in an ``.hdf5`` file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to load. distribution: Distribution object key : str, optional The identifier for the group to load the DistArray from (the default is 'buffer'). Returns ------- result : DistArray A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: errmsg = "An MPI-enabled h5py must be available to use load_hdf5." raise ImportError(errmsg) def _local_load_hdf5(filename, ddpr, comm, key): from distarray.localapi import load_hdf5 if len(ddpr): dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] else: dim_data = () return proxyize(load_hdf5(comm, filename, dim_data, key)) ddpr = distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() da_key = self.apply(_local_load_hdf5, (filename, ddpr, distribution.comm, key), targets=distribution.targets) return DistArray.from_localarrays(da_key[0], distribution=distribution)
[docs] def fromndarray(self, arr, distribution=None): """Create a DistArray from an ndarray. Parameters ---------- distribution : Distribution object, optional If a Distribution object is not provided, one is created with `Distribution(arr.shape)`. Returns ------- DistArray A DistArray distributed as specified, using the values and dtype from `arr`. """ if distribution is None: distribution = Distribution(self, arr.shape) out = self.empty(distribution, dtype=arr.dtype) try: out[...] = arr except AttributeError: # no slicing for a given map type; do it the slow way for index, value in numpy.ndenumerate(arr): out[index] = value return out
fromarray = fromndarray
[docs] def fromfunction(self, function, shape, **kwargs): """Create a DistArray from a function over global indices. Unlike numpy's `fromfunction`, the result of distarray's `fromfunction` is restricted to the same Distribution as the index array generated from `shape`. See numpy.fromfunction for more details. """ self.push_function(function.__name__, function, targets=self.targets) def _local_fromfunction(func_name, comm, ddpr, kwargs): from distarray.localapi import fromfunction from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution from importlib import import_module main = import_module('__main__') if len(ddpr): dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] else: dim_data = () func = getattr(main, func_name) dist = Distribution(comm, dim_data=dim_data) local_arr = fromfunction(func, dist, **kwargs) return proxyize(local_arr) dist = kwargs.get('dist', None) grid_shape = kwargs.get('grid_shape', None) distribution = Distribution(context=self, shape=shape, dist=dist, grid_shape=grid_shape) ddpr = distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() da_name = self.apply(_local_fromfunction, (function.__name__, distribution.comm, ddpr, kwargs), targets=distribution.targets) return DistArray.from_localarrays(da_name[0], distribution=distribution)
[docs] def register(self, func): """Associate a function with this Context. Allows access to the local process and local data associated with each DistArray. After registering a function with a context, the function can be called as ``context.func(...)``. Doing so will call the function locally on target processes determined from the arguments passed in using ``Context.apply(...)``. The function can take non-proxied Python objects, DistArrays, or other proxied objects as arguments. Non-proxied Python objects will be broadcasted to all local processes; proxied objects will be dereferenced before calling the function on the local process. """ if func.__name__ in ("""__init__ cleanup close apply push_function delete_key empty zeros ones save_dnpy load_dnpy save_hdf5 load_npy load_hdf5 fromndarray fromarray fromfunction register""".split()): msg = "Function name %s clashes with existing function." raise ValueError(msg % func.__name__) if func.__name__.startswith("_"): msg = "Function name %r starts with underscore." raise ValueError(msg % func.__name__) self.push_function(func.__name__, func, targets=self.targets) @wraps(func) def _wrapper(ctx, *args, **kwargs): dist = ctx._determine_distribution(list(args) + list(kwargs.values())) targets = dist.targets args = [a.key if isinstance(a, DistArray) else a for a in args] kwargs = {k: (v.key if isinstance(v, DistArray) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} results = ctx.apply(func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, targets=targets, autoproxyize=True) return ctx._process_local_results(results, targets) setattr(self.__class__, _wrapper.__name__, _wrapper)
def _determine_distribution(self, objs): dists = [] for o in objs: if isinstance(o, DistArray): dists.append(o.distribution) for d in dists[1:]: if not dists[0].is_compatible(d): msg = "Distrbution %r is not compatible with %r" raise ValueError(msg % (dists[0], d)) if not dists: raise TypeError("Cannot determine a Distribution.") return dists[0] def _process_local_results(self, results, targets): """Figure out what to return on the Client. Parameters ---------- key : string Key corresponding to wrapped function's return value. Returns ------- Varied A DistArray (if locally all values are LocalArray), a None (if locally all values are None), or else, pull the result back to the client and return it. If all but one of the pulled values is None, return that non-None value only. """ def is_NoneType(pxy): return pxy.type_str == str(type(None)) def is_LocalArray(pxy): return (isinstance(pxy, Proxy) and pxy.type_str == "<class 'distarray.localapi.localarray.LocalArray'>") if all(is_LocalArray(r) for r in results): result = DistArray.from_localarrays(results[0], context=self, targets=targets) elif all(r is None for r in results): result = None else: if has_exactly_one(results): result = next(x for x in results if x is not None) else: result = results return result
[docs]class IPythonContext(BaseContext): """ Context class that uses IPython.parallel. See the docstring for `BaseContext` for more information about Contexts. See also -------- BaseContext """ def __init__(self, client=None, targets=None): if client is None: self.client = IPythonClient() self.owns_client = True else: self.client = client self.owns_client = False self.view = self.client[:] self.nengines = len(self.view) self.all_targets = sorted(self.view.targets) if targets is None: self.targets = self.all_targets else: self.targets = [] for target in targets: if target not in self.all_targets: raise ValueError("Target %r not registered" % target) else: self.targets.append(target) self.targets = sorted(self.targets) # local imports self.view.execute("from functools import reduce; " "from importlib import import_module; " "import distarray.localapi; " "import distarray.localapi.mpiutils; " "import distarray.utils; " "import distarray.localapi.proxyize as proxyize; " "from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxy; " "import numpy") self.context_key = self._setup_context_key() # setup proxyize which is used by context.apply in the rest of the # setup. cmd = "proxyize = proxyize.Proxyize()" self.view.execute(cmd) self._base_comm = self._make_base_comm() self._comm_from_targets = {tuple(sorted(self.view.targets)): self._base_comm} self.comm = self.make_subcomm(self.targets) if not BaseContext._CLEANUP: BaseContext._CLEANUP = (atexit.register(ipython_cleanup.clear_all), atexit.register(ipython_cleanup.cleanup_all, '__main__', DISTARRAY_BASE_NAME))
[docs] def make_subcomm(self, new_targets): if new_targets != sorted(new_targets): raise ValueError("targets must be in sorted order.") try: return self._comm_from_targets[tuple(new_targets)] except KeyError: pass def _make_new_comm(rank_list, base_comm): import distarray.localapi.mpiutils as mpiutils res = mpiutils.create_comm_with_list(rank_list, base_comm) return proxyize(res) # noqa new_comm = self.apply(_make_new_comm, (new_targets, self._base_comm), targets=self.view.targets)[0] self._comm_from_targets[tuple(new_targets)] = new_comm return new_comm
def _make_base_comm(self): """ Returns a proxy for an MPI communicator that encompasses all targets in self.view.targets (not self.targets, which can be a subset). """ def get_rank(): from distarray.localapi.mpiutils import get_comm_private return get_comm_private().Get_rank() # self.view's engines must encompass all ranks in the MPI communicator, # i.e., everything in rank_map.values(). def get_size(): from distarray.localapi.mpiutils import get_comm_private return get_comm_private().Get_size() # get a mapping of IPython engine ID to MPI rank rank_from_target = self.view.apply_async(get_rank).get_dict() ranks = [ rank_from_target[target] for target in self.view.targets ] comm_size = self.view.apply_async(get_size).get()[0] if set(rank_from_target.values()) != set(range(comm_size)): raise ValueError('Engines in view must encompass all MPI ranks.') # create a new communicator with the subset of ranks. Note that # create_comm_with_list() must be called on all engines, not just those # involved in the new communicator. This is because # create_comm_with_list() issues a collective MPI operation. def _make_new_comm(rank_list): import distarray.localapi.mpiutils as mpiutils new_comm = mpiutils.create_comm_with_list(rank_list) if not mpiutils.get_base_comm(): mpiutils.set_base_comm(new_comm) return proxyize(new_comm) # noqa return self.apply(_make_new_comm, args=(ranks,), targets=self.view.targets)[0] # Key management routines:
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Delete keys that this context created from all the engines. """ # TODO: FIXME: cleanup needs updating to work with proxy objects. ipython_cleanup.cleanup(view=self.view, module_name='__main__', prefix=self.context_key)
[docs] def close(self): self.cleanup() def free_subcomm(subcomm): subcomm.Free() for targets, subcomm in self._comm_from_targets.items(): self.apply(free_subcomm, (subcomm,), targets=targets) if self.owns_client: self.client.close() self.comm = None # End of key management routines.
def _execute(self, lines, targets): return self.view.execute(lines, targets=targets, block=True) def _push(self, d, targets): return self.view.push(d, targets=targets, block=True)
[docs] def apply(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, autoproxyize=False): """ Analogous to IPython.parallel.view.apply_sync Parameters ---------- func : function args : tuple positional arguments to func kwargs : dict key word arguments to func targets : sequence of integers engines func is to be run on. autoproxyize: bool, default False If True, implicitly return a Proxy object from the function. Returns ------- return a list of the results on the each engine. """ def func_wrapper(func, apply_nonce, context_key, args, kwargs, autoproxyize): """ Function which calls the applied function after grabbing all the arguments on the engines that are passed in as names of the form `__distarray__<some uuid>`. """ from importlib import import_module import types from distarray.metadata_utils import arg_kwarg_proxy_converter from distarray.localapi import LocalArray main = import_module('__main__') main.proxyize.set_state(apply_nonce) # Modify func to change the namespace it executes in. # but builtins don't have __code__, __globals__, etc. if not isinstance(func, types.BuiltinFunctionType): # get func's building blocks first func_code = func.__code__ func_name = func.__name__ func_defaults = func.__defaults__ func_closure = func.__closure__ # build the func's new execution environment main.__dict__.update({'context_key': context_key}) new_func_globals = main.__dict__ # create the new func func = types.FunctionType(func_code, new_func_globals, func_name, func_defaults, func_closure) args, kwargs = arg_kwarg_proxy_converter(args, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) if autoproxyize and isinstance(result, LocalArray): return main.proxyize(result) else: return result # default arguments args = () if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs args = tuple(a.key if isinstance(a, DistArray) else a for a in args) kwargs = {k: (v.key if isinstance(v, DistArray) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} apply_nonce = nonce() wrapped_args = (func, apply_nonce, self.context_key, args, kwargs, autoproxyize) targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets with self.view.temp_flags(targets=targets): return self.view.apply_sync(func_wrapper, *wrapped_args)
[docs] def push_function(self, key, func, targets=None): targets = targets or self.targets self._push({key: func}, targets=targets)
def _shutdown(mpi, intercomm, targets): msg = ('kill',) for t in targets: intercomm.send(msg, dest=t) intercomm.Free() mpi.Finalize()
[docs]class MPIContext(BaseContext): """ Context class that uses MPI only (no IPython.parallel). See the docstring for `BaseContext` for more information about Contexts. See also -------- BaseContext """ INTERCOMM = None
[docs] def delete_key(self, key, targets=None): msg = ('delete', key) targets = targets or self.targets if MPIContext.INTERCOMM: self._send_msg(msg, targets=targets)
def __init__(self, targets=None): if MPIContext.INTERCOMM is None: MPIContext.INTERCOMM = initial_comm_setup() assert get_world_rank() == 0 self.nengines = MPIContext.INTERCOMM.remote_size self.all_targets = list(range(self.nengines)) self.targets = self.all_targets if targets is None else sorted(targets) # make/get comms # this is the object we want to use with push, pull, etc' self._comm_from_targets = {} self.comm = self.make_subcomm(self.targets) if BaseContext._CLEANUP is None: BaseContext._CLEANUP = atexit.register(_shutdown, mpi, MPIContext.INTERCOMM, tuple(self.all_targets)) # local imports self._execute("from functools import reduce; " "from importlib import import_module; " "import distarray.localapi; " "import distarray.localapi.mpiutils; " "import distarray.utils; " "from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxyize, Proxy; " "import numpy") self.context_key = self._setup_context_key() # setup proxyize which is used by context.apply in the rest of the # setup. cmd = "proxyize = Proxyize()" self._execute(cmd) # Key management routines:
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Delete keys that this context created from all the engines. """ # TODO: implement cleanup. pass
[docs] def close(self): for targets, subcomm in self._comm_from_targets.items(): if subcomm is MPIContext.INTERCOMM: continue self._send_msg(('free_comm', subcomm), targets=targets) # End of key management routines.
def _send_msg(self, msg, targets=None): targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets for t in targets: MPIContext.INTERCOMM.send(msg, dest=t) def _recv_msg(self, targets=None): res = [] targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets for t in targets: res.append(MPIContext.INTERCOMM.recv(source=t)) return res
[docs] def make_subcomm(self, targets): if len(targets) > self.nengines: msg = ("The number of engines (%s) is less than the number of " "targets you want (%s)." % (self.nengines, len(targets))) raise ValueError(msg) if targets != sorted(targets): raise ValueError("targets must be in sorted order.") try: return self._comm_from_targets[tuple(targets)] except KeyError: pass msg = ('make_targets_comm', targets) self._send_msg(msg, targets=self.all_targets) new_comm = make_targets_comm(targets) self._comm_from_targets[tuple(targets)] = new_comm return new_comm
def _execute(self, lines, targets=None): msg = ('execute', lines) return self._send_msg(msg, targets=targets) def _push(self, d, targets=None): msg = ('push', d) return self._send_msg(msg, targets=targets)
[docs] def apply(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, autoproxyize=False): """ Analogous to IPython.parallel.view.apply_sync Parameters ---------- func : function args : tuple positional arguments to func kwargs : dict keyword arguments to func targets : sequence of integers engines func is to be run on. autoproxyize: bool, default False If True, implicitly return a Proxy object from the function. Returns ------- list result from each engine. """ # default arguments args = () if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs args = tuple(a.key if isinstance(a, DistArray) else a for a in args) kwargs = {k: (v.key if isinstance(v, DistArray) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets apply_nonce = nonce() apply_metadata = (apply_nonce, self.context_key) if not isinstance(func, types.BuiltinFunctionType): # break up the function func_code = func.__code__ func_name = func.__name__ func_defaults = func.__defaults__ func_closure = func.__closure__ func_data = (func_code, func_name, func_defaults, func_closure) msg = ('func_call', func_data, args, kwargs, apply_metadata, autoproxyize) else: msg = ('builtin_call', func, args, kwargs, autoproxyize) self._send_msg(msg, targets=targets) return self._recv_msg(targets=targets)
[docs] def push_function(self, key, func, targets=None): push_function(self, key, func, targets=targets)
[docs]class ContextCreationError(RuntimeError): pass
def _fire_off_engines(rank): if rank: from distarray.mpi_engine import Engine Engine()
[docs]def Context(*args, **kwargs): kind = kwargs.pop('kind', '') if not kind: kind = 'ipython' if is_solo_mpi_process() else 'mpi' if kind.lower().startswith('mpi'): CW = get_comm_world() myrank = CW.rank if myrank: _fire_off_engines(myrank) import sys sys.exit() else: return MPIContext(*args, **kwargs) elif kind.lower().startswith('ipython'): return IPythonContext(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ContextCreationError("%s is not a valid Context selector string." % kind)