Source code for distarray.globalapi.distarray

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Copyright (C) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team and Enthought, Inc.
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  See COPYING.rst.
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The `DistArray` data structure.

`DistArray` objects are proxies for collections of `LocalArray` objects. They
are meant to roughly emulate NumPy `ndarray`\s.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imports
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import operator
from itertools import product
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np

import distarray.localapi
from distarray.metadata_utils import sanitize_indices
from distarray.globalapi.maps import Distribution, asdistribution
from distarray.utils import _raise_nie
from distarray.metadata_utils import normalize_reduction_axes

__all__ = ['DistArray']

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code
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[docs]class DistArray(object): __array_priority__ = 20.0 def __init__(self, distribution, dtype=float): """Creates an empty DistArray according to the `distribution` given.""" def _local_create(comm, ddpr, dtype): from distarray.localapi import empty from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution if len(ddpr): dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] else: dim_data = () dist = Distribution(comm=comm, dim_data=dim_data) return proxyize(empty(dist, dtype)) ctx = distribution.context ddpr = distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() da_key = ctx.apply(_local_create, (distribution.comm, ddpr, dtype), targets=distribution.targets) self.distribution = distribution self.key = da_key[0] self._dtype = dtype @classmethod
[docs] def from_localarrays(cls, key, context=None, targets=None, distribution=None, dtype=None): """The caller has already created the LocalArray objects. `key` is their name on the engines. This classmethod creates a DistArray that refers to these LocalArrays. Either a `context` or a `distribution` must also be provided. If `context` is provided, a ``dim_data_per_rank`` will be pulled from the existing ``LocalArray``\s and a ``Distribution`` will be created from it. If `distribution` is provided, it should accurately reflect the distribution of the existing ``LocalArray``\s. If `dtype` is not provided, it will be fetched from the engines. """ def get_dim_datas_and_dtype(arr): return (arr.dim_data, arr.dtype) da = cls.__new__(cls) da.key = key if (context is None) == (distribution is None): errmsg = "Must provide `context` or `distribution` but not both." raise RuntimeError(errmsg) # has context, get dist and dtype elif (distribution is None) and (dtype is None): res = context.apply(get_dim_datas_and_dtype, args=(key,), targets=targets) dim_datas = [i[0] for i in res] dtypes = [i[1] for i in res] da._dtype = dtypes[0] da.distribution = Distribution.from_dim_data_per_rank(context, dim_datas, targets) # has context and dtype, get dist elif (distribution is None) and (dtype is not None): da._dtype = dtype dim_datas = context.apply(getattr, args=(key, 'dim_data'), targets=targets) da.distribution = Distribution.from_dim_data_per_rank(context, dim_datas, targets) # has distribution, get dtype elif (distribution is not None) and (dtype is None): da.distribution = distribution da._dtype = distribution.context.apply(getattr, args=(key, 'dtype'), targets=[0])[0] # has distribution and dtype elif (distribution is not None) and (dtype is not None): da.distribution = distribution da._dtype = dtype # sanity check that I didn't miss any cases above, because this is a # confusing function else: assert False return da
def __del__(self): try: self.context.delete_key(self.key, self.targets) except Exception: pass def __repr__(self): s = '<DistArray(shape=%r, targets=%r)>' % \ (self.shape, self.targets) return s def _get_view(self, index): # to be run locally def get_view(arr, index, ddpr, comm): from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution if len(ddpr) == 0: dim_data = () else: dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] local_distribution = Distribution(comm=comm, dim_data=dim_data) result = arr.global_index.get_slice(index, local_distribution) return proxyize(result) new_distribution = self.distribution.slice(index) ddpr = new_distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() args = [self.key, index, ddpr, new_distribution.comm] targets = new_distribution.targets result = self.context.apply(get_view, args=args, targets=targets)[0] return DistArray.from_localarrays(key=result, targets=targets, distribution=new_distribution, dtype=self.dtype) def _get_value(self, index): # to be run locally def get_value(arr, index): return arr.global_index[index] args = [self.key, index] targets = self.distribution.owning_targets(index) result = self.context.apply(get_value, args=args, targets=targets) return [i for i in result if i is not None][0] def _checked_getitem(self, index): # to be run locally def checked_getitem(arr, index): return arr.global_index.checked_getitem(index) args = [self.key, index] targets = self.distribution.owning_targets(index) result = self.context.apply(checked_getitem, args=args, targets=targets) somethings = [i for i in result if i is not None] if len(somethings) == 0: # all return None raise IndexError("Index %r is is not present." % (index,)) elif len(somethings) == 1: return somethings[0] else: return result def __getitem__(self, index): return_type, index = sanitize_indices(index, ndim=self.ndim, shape=self.shape) if not self.distribution.has_precise_index: result = self._checked_getitem(index) elif return_type == 'view': result = self._get_view(index) elif return_type == 'value': result = self._get_value(index) else: assert False return result def _set_value(self, index, value): # to be run locally def set_value(arr, index, value): arr.global_index[index] = value args = [self.key, index, value] targets = self.distribution.owning_targets(index) self.context.apply(set_value, args=args, targets=targets) def _set_view(self, index, value): # to be run locally def set_view(arr, index, value, ddpr, comm): from distarray.localapi.localarray import LocalArray from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution if len(ddpr) == 0: dim_data = () else: dim_data = ddpr[comm.Get_rank()] dist = Distribution(comm=comm, dim_data=dim_data) if isinstance(value, LocalArray): arr.global_index[index] = value.ndarray else: arr.global_index[index] = value[dist.global_slice] new_distribution = self.distribution.slice(index) if isinstance(value, DistArray): if not value.distribution.is_compatible(new_distribution): msg = "rvalue Distribution not compatible." raise ValueError(msg) value = value.key else: value = np.asarray(value) # convert to array if value.shape != new_distribution.shape: msg = "Slice shape does not equal rvalue shape." raise ValueError(msg) ddpr = new_distribution.get_dim_data_per_rank() comm = new_distribution.comm targets = new_distribution.targets args = [self.key, index, value, ddpr, comm] self.context.apply(set_view, args=args, targets=targets) def _checked_setitem(self, index, value): # to be run locally def checked_setitem(arr, index, value): return arr.global_index.checked_setitem(index, value) args = [self.key, index, value] targets = self.distribution.owning_targets(index) result = self.context.apply(checked_setitem, args=args, targets=targets) result = [i for i in result if i is not None] if len(result) > 1: raise IndexError("Setting more than one result (%s) is " "not supported yet." % (result,)) elif result == []: raise IndexError("Index %s is out of bounds" % (index,)) def __setitem__(self, index, value): set_type, index = sanitize_indices(index, ndim=self.ndim, shape=self.shape) if not self.distribution.has_precise_index: self._checked_setitem(index, value) elif set_type == 'view': self._set_view(index, value) elif set_type == 'value': self._set_value(index, value) else: assert False @property def context(self): return self.distribution.context @property def shape(self): return self.distribution.shape @property def global_size(self): return reduce(operator.mul, self.shape) @property def dist(self): return self.distribution.dist @property def grid_shape(self): return self.distribution.grid_shape @property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @property def nbytes(self): return self.global_size * self.itemsize @property def dtype(self): return np.dtype(self._dtype) @property def itemsize(self): return self._dtype.itemsize @property def targets(self): return self.distribution.targets @property def __array_interface__(self): return {'shape': self.shape, 'typestr': self.dtype.str, 'data': self.tondarray(), 'version': 3}
[docs] def tondarray(self): """Returns the distributed array as an ndarray.""" arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) local_arrays = self.get_localarrays() try: for local_array in local_arrays: gslice = local_array.distribution.global_slice arr[gslice] = local_array.ndarray except AttributeError: # do it the slow way for local_array in local_arrays: maps = (list(ax_map.global_iter) for ax_map in local_array.distribution) for index in product(*maps): arr[index] = local_array.global_index[index] return arr
toarray = tondarray
[docs] def fill(self, value): def inner_fill(arr, value): arr.fill(value) self.context.apply(inner_fill, args=(self.key, value), targets=self.targets)
def _reduce(self, local_reduce_name, axes=None, dtype=None, out=None): if any(0 in localshape for localshape in self.localshapes()): raise NotImplementedError("Reduction not implemented for empty " "LocalArrays") if out is not None: _raise_nie() dtype = dtype or self.dtype out_dist = self.distribution.reduce(axes=axes) ddpr = out_dist.get_dim_data_per_rank() def _local_reduce(local_name, larr, out_comm, ddpr, dtype, axes): import distarray.localapi.localarray as la local_reducer = getattr(la, local_name) res = proxyize(la.local_reduction(out_comm, local_reducer, larr, # noqa ddpr, dtype, axes)) return res local_reduce_args = (local_reduce_name, self.key, out_dist.comm, ddpr, dtype, normalize_reduction_axes(axes, self.ndim)) out_key = self.context.apply(_local_reduce, local_reduce_args, targets=self.targets)[0] return DistArray.from_localarrays(key=out_key, distribution=out_dist, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): """Return the sum of array elements over the given axis.""" if dtype is None and self.dtype == np.bool: dtype = np.uint64 return self._reduce('sum_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def mean(self, axis=None, dtype=float, out=None): """Return the mean of array elements over the given axis.""" return self._reduce('mean_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def var(self, axis=None, dtype=float, out=None): """Return the variance of array elements over the given axis.""" return self._reduce('var_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def std(self, axis=None, dtype=float, out=None): """Return the standard deviation of array elements over the given axis.""" return self._reduce('std_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def min(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): """Return the minimum of array elements over the given axis.""" return self._reduce('min_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def max(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): """Return the maximum of array elements over the given axis.""" return self._reduce('max_reducer', axis, dtype, out)
[docs] def get_ndarrays(self): """Pull the local ndarrays from the engines. Returns ------- list of ndarrays one ndarray per process """ def get(key): return key.ndarray return self.context.apply(get, args=(self.key,), targets=self.targets)
[docs] def get_localarrays(self): """Pull the LocalArray objects from the engines. Returns ------- list of localarrays one localarray per process """ def get(key): return key.copy() return self.context.apply(get, args=(self.key,), targets=self.targets)
[docs] def localshapes(self): return self.distribution.localshapes()
[docs] def view(self, dtype=None): """ New view of array with the same data. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy dtype, optional Data-type descriptor of the returned view, e.g., float32 or int16. The default, None, results in the view having the same data-type as the original array. Returns ------- DistArray A view on the original DistArray, optionally with the underlying memory interpreted as a different dtype. Note ---- No redistribution is done. The sizes of all `LocalArray`\s must be compatible with the new view. """ # special case for same dtype if (dtype is None) or (np.dtype(dtype) == self.dtype): return self[...] def local_view(larr, ddpr, dtype): from distarray.localapi.maps import Distribution if len(ddpr) == 0: dim_data = () else: dim_data = ddpr[larr.comm_rank] ldist = Distribution(comm=larr.comm, dim_data=dim_data) lview = larr.view(ldist, dtype=dtype) return proxyize(lview) old_itemsize = self.dtype.itemsize new_itemsize = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize last_dimsize = self.distribution[-1].size errmsg = "New dtype not compatible with existing DistArray dtype." if old_itemsize == new_itemsize: # no scaling new_dimsize = last_dimsize elif old_itemsize % new_itemsize == 0: # easy case: scale a dimension up new_dimsize = (old_itemsize * last_dimsize) / new_itemsize elif (old_itemsize * last_dimsize) % new_itemsize == 0: # harder case: scale a dimension if local array shapes allow it # check local last-dimension size compatibility: local_lastdim_sizes = np.array([s[-1] for s in self.localshapes()]) compat = (old_itemsize * local_lastdim_sizes) % new_itemsize == 0 if np.all(compat): new_dimsize = (old_itemsize * last_dimsize) / new_itemsize else: raise ValueError(errmsg) else: raise ValueError(errmsg) new_dist = self.distribution.view(new_dimsize) ddpr = new_dist.get_dim_data_per_rank() new_key = self.context.apply(local_view, (self.key, ddpr, dtype))[0] return DistArray.from_localarrays(key=new_key, distribution=new_dist, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def distribute_as(self, shape_or_dist): """ Redistributes this DistArray, returning a new DistArray with the same data and corresponding distribution. Parameters ---------- shape_or_dist : shape tuple or Distribution object. Distribution for the new DistArray. The new distribution must have the same number of items as this distarray. The global shape and targets may be different. If shape tuple, immediately converted to a Distribution object with default parameters. Returns ------- DistArray A new DistArray distributed according to `dist`. Note ---- Currently implemented for block and non-distributed maps only. """ dist = asdistribution(self.context, shape_or_dist) if (any(d not in ('b', 'n') for d in self.distribution.dist) or any(d not in ('b', 'n') for d in dist.dist)): msg = "Only block and non-distributed dimensions currently supported." raise NotImplementedError(msg) def _local_redistribute_same_shape(comm, plan, la_from, la_to): from distarray.localapi import redistribute redistribute(comm, plan, la_from, la_to) def _local_redistribute_general(comm, plan, la_from, la_to): from distarray.localapi import redistribute_general redistribute_general(comm, plan, la_from, la_to) source_size = self.global_size dest_size = reduce(operator.mul, dist.shape, 1) if self.distribution.shape == dist.shape: _local_redistribute = _local_redistribute_same_shape elif source_size == dest_size: _local_redistribute = _local_redistribute_general else: msg = ("Original size %d != new size %d," " and total size of new array must be unchanged.") raise ValueError(msg % (source_size, dest_size)) plan = self.distribution.get_redist_plan(dist) ubercomm, all_targets = self.distribution.comm_union(dist) result = DistArray(dist, dtype=self.dtype) self.context.apply(_local_redistribute, (ubercomm, plan, self.key, result.key), targets=all_targets) return result # Binary operators
def _binary_op_from_ufunc(self, other, func, rop_str=None, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(other, '__array_priority__') and hasattr(other, rop_str): if other.__array_priority__ > self.__array_priority__: rop = getattr(other, rop_str) return rop(self) return func(self, other, *args, **kwargs) def _rbinary_op_from_ufunc(self, other, func, lop_str, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(other, '__array_priority__') and hasattr(other, lop_str): if other.__array_priority__ > self.__array_priority__: lop = getattr(other, lop_str) return lop(self) return func(other, self, *args, **kwargs) def __add__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.add, '__radd__', *args, **kwargs) def __sub__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.subtract, '__rsub__', *args, **kwargs) def __mul__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.multiply, '__rmul__', *args, **kwargs) def __div__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.divide, '__rdiv__', *args, **kwargs) def __truediv__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.true_divide, '__rtruediv__', *args, **kwargs) def __floordiv__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.floor_divide, '__rfloordiv__', *args, **kwargs) def __mod__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.mod, '__rdiv__', *args, **kwargs) def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.power, '__rpower__', *args, **kwargs) def __lshift__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.left_shift, '__rlshift__', *args, **kwargs) def __rshift__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.right_shift, '__rrshift__', *args, **kwargs) def __and__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_and, '__rand__', *args, **kwargs) def __or__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_or, '__ror__', *args, **kwargs) def __xor__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_xor, '__rxor__', *args, **kwargs) # Binary - right versions def __radd__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.add, '__add__', *args, **kwargs) def __rsub__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.subtract, '__sub__', *args, **kwargs) def __rmul__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.multiply, '__mul__', *args, **kwargs) def __rdiv__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.divide, '__div__', *args, **kwargs) def __rtruediv__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.true_divide, '__truediv__', *args, **kwargs) def __rfloordiv__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.floor_divide, '__floordiv__', *args, **kwargs) def __rmod__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.mod, '__mod__', *args, **kwargs) def __rpow__(self, other, modulo=None, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.power, '__pow__', *args, **kwargs) def __rlshift__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.left_shift, '__lshift__', *args, **kwargs) def __rrshift__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.right_shift, '__rshift__', *args, **kwargs) def __rand__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_and, '__and__', *args, **kwargs) def __ror__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_or, '__or__', *args, **kwargs) def __rxor__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._rbinary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.bitwise_xor, '__xor__', *args, **kwargs) def __neg__(self, *args, **kwargs): return distarray.globalapi.negative(self, *args, **kwargs) def __pos__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def __abs__(self, *args, **kwargs): return distarray.globalapi.absolute(self, *args, **kwargs) def __invert__(self, *args, **kwargs): return distarray.globalapi.invert(self, *args, **kwargs) # Boolean comparisons def __lt__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.less, '__lt__', *args, **kwargs) def __le__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.less_equal, '__le__', *args, **kwargs) def __eq__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.equal, '__eq__', *args, **kwargs) def __ne__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.not_equal, '__ne__', *args, **kwargs) def __gt__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.greater, '__gt__', *args, **kwargs) def __ge__(self, other, *args, **kwargs): return self._binary_op_from_ufunc(other, distarray.globalapi.greater_equal, '__ge__', *args, **kwargs)