Source code for distarray.mpionly_utils

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#  Copyright (C) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team and Enthought, Inc.
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  See COPYING.rst.
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Utilities for running Distarray in MPI mode.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import types

from mpi4py import MPI as mpi

from distarray.utils import uid
from distarray.localapi.proxyize import Proxy

client_rank = 0

[docs]def get_comm_world(): return mpi.COMM_WORLD
[docs]def get_world_rank(): return get_comm_world().rank
[docs]def push_function(context, key, func, targets=None): targets = targets or context.targets if not isinstance(func, types.BuiltinFunctionType): func_code = func.__code__ func_globals = func.__globals__ # noqa func_name = func.__name__ func_defaults = func.__defaults__ func_closure = func.__closure__ func_data = ('function', func_code, func_name, func_defaults, func_closure) else: func_data = ('builtin_function_or_method', func) def reassemble_and_store_func(key_dummy_container, func_data): import types from importlib import import_module from distarray.utils import set_from_dotted_name key = key_dummy_container[0] main = import_module('__main__') if func_data[0] == 'function': code, name, defaults, closure = func_data[1:] func = types.FunctionType(code=code, globals=main.__dict__, name=name, argdefs=defaults, closure=closure) elif func_data[0] == 'builtin_function_or_method': func = func_data[1] set_from_dotted_name(key, func) context.apply(reassemble_and_store_func, args=((key,), func_data), targets=context.targets)
def _set_on_main(name, obj): """Add obj as an attribute to the __main__ module with alias `name` like: = obj """ return Proxy(name, obj, '__main__')
[docs]def make_targets_comm(targets): world = get_comm_world() world_rank = world.rank if len(targets) > world.size: raise ValueError("The number of engines (%s) is less than the number" " of targets you want (%s)." % (world.size - 1, len(targets))) targets = targets or list(range(world.size - 1)) # get a universal name for the out comm if world_rank == 0: comm_name = uid() else: comm_name = '' comm_name = world.bcast(comm_name) # create a mapping from the targets to world ranks all_ranks = range(1, world.size) all_targets = range(world.size - 1) target_to_rank_map = {t: r for t, r in zip(all_targets, all_ranks)} # map the targets to the world ranks mapped_targets = [target_to_rank_map[t] for t in targets] # create the targets comm targets_group = targets_comm = world.Create(targets_group) return _set_on_main(comm_name, targets_comm)
[docs]def initial_comm_setup(): """Setup client and engine intracomm, and intercomm.""" world = get_comm_world() world_rank = world.rank # create a comm that is split into client and engines. if world_rank == client_rank: split_world = world.Split(0, 0) else: split_world = world.Split(1, world_rank) from distarray.localapi.mpiutils import set_base_comm set_base_comm(split_world) # create the intercomm if world_rank == client_rank: intercomm = split_world.Create_intercomm(0, world, 1) else: intercomm = split_world.Create_intercomm(0, world, 0) return intercomm
[docs]def is_solo_mpi_process(): if get_comm_world().size == 1: return True else: return False