DistArray API Reference

distarray Package

error Module

Define error classes.

exception distarray.error.ContextError

Bases: distarray.error.DistArrayError

exception distarray.error.DistArrayError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception distarray.error.DistributionError

Bases: distarray.error.DistArrayError

exception distarray.error.InvalidCommSizeError

Bases: distarray.error.MPIDistArrayError

exception distarray.error.InvalidRankError

Bases: distarray.error.MPIDistArrayError

exception distarray.error.MPICommError

Bases: distarray.error.MPIDistArrayError

exception distarray.error.MPIDistArrayError

Bases: distarray.error.DistArrayError

metadata_utils Module

exception distarray.metadata_utils.GridShapeError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception distarray.metadata_utils.InvalidGridShapeError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

distarray.metadata_utils.check_grid_shape_postconditions(grid_shape, shape, dist, comm_size)
distarray.metadata_utils.check_grid_shape_preconditions(shape, dist, comm_size)

Verify various distarray parameters are correct before making a grid_shape.


Fill in start and stop in dim dict dd.


Fill in start in dim dict dd.


Fill in index related keys in dim dict dd.

distarray.metadata_utils.make_grid_shape(shape, dist, comm_size)

Generate a grid_shape from shape tuple and dist tuple.

Does not assume that dim_data has proc_grid_size set for each dimension.

Attempts to allocate processes optimally for distributed dimensions.

  • shape (tuple of int) – The global shape of the array.
  • dist (tuple of str) – dist_type character per dimension.
  • comm_size (int) – Total number of processes to distribute.


Return type:

tuple of int


GridShapeError – if not possible to distribute comm_size processes over number of dimensions.


Fill out some degenerate dim_dicts.

distarray.metadata_utils.normalize_dist(dist, ndim)

Return a tuple containing dist-type for each dimension.

Parameters:dist (str, list, tuple, or dict) –
Returns:Contains string distribution type for each dim.
Return type:tuple of str


>>> normalize_dist({0: 'b', 3: 'c'}, 4)
('b', 'n', 'n', 'c')
distarray.metadata_utils.normalize_grid_shape(grid_shape, shape, dist, comm_size)

Adds 1s to grid_shape so it has ndims dimensions. Validates grid_shape tuple against the dist tuple and comm_size.

distarray.metadata_utils.normalize_reduction_axes(axes, ndim)
distarray.metadata_utils.positivify(index, size)

Check that an index is within bounds and return a positive version.

Parameters:index (Integral or slice) –
Raises:IndexError – for out-of-bounds indices
distarray.metadata_utils.sanitize_indices(indices, ndim=None, shape=None)

Classify and sanitize indices.

  • Wrap naked Integral, slice, or Ellipsis indices into tuples
  • Classify result as ‘value’ or ‘view’
  • Expand Ellipsis objects to slices
  • If the length of the tuple-ized indices is < ndim (and it’s provided), add slice(None)’s to indices until indices is ndim long
  • If shape is provided, call positivify on the indices
  • TypeError – If indices is other than Integral, slice or a Sequence of these
  • IndexError – If len(indices) > ndim
Return type:

2-tuple of (str, n-tuple of slices and Integral values)


Given a dim_data_per_rank object, return the shapes of the localarrays. This requires no communication.


Get a function from a dist_type.


Get a size from a dim_data.

distarray.metadata_utils.tuple_intersection(t0, t1)

Compute intersection of a (start, stop, step) and a (start, stop) tuple.

Assumes all values are positive.

  • t0 (2-tuple or 3-tuple) – Tuple of (start, stop, [step]) representing an index range
  • t1 (2-tuple) – Tuple of (start, stop) representing an index range

A tightly bounded interval.

Return type:

3-tuple or None


testing Module

Functions used for tests.

class distarray.testing.CommNullPasser

Bases: type


Applies the comm_null_passes decorator to every method on a generated class.

class distarray.testing.ContextTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Base test class for test cases that use a Context.

Overload the ntargets class attribute to change the default number of engines required. A cls.context object will be created with targets=range(cls.ntargets). Tests will be skipped if there are too few targets.


int or ‘any’, default=4

If an int, indicates how many engines are required for this test to run. If the string ‘any’, indicates that any number of engines may be used with this test.

ntargets = 4
classmethod setUpClass()
classmethod tearDownClass()
class distarray.testing.MpiTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Base test class for MPI test cases.

Overload the comm_size class attribute to change the default number of processes required.


int, default=4

Indicates how many MPI processes are required for this test to run. If fewer than comm_size are available, the test will be skipped.

comm_size = 4
classmethod setUpClass()
classmethod tearDownClass()
distarray.testing.assert_localarrays_allclose(l0, l1, check_dtype=False, rtol=1e-07, atol=0)

Call np.testing.assert_allclose on l0 and l1.

Also, check that LocalArray properties are equal.

distarray.testing.assert_localarrays_equal(l0, l1, check_dtype=False)

Call np.testing.assert_equal on l0 and l1.

Also, check that LocalArray properties are equal.

distarray.testing.check_targets(required, available)

If available < required, raise a SkipTest with a nice error message.


Decorator. If self.comm is COMM_NULL, pass.

This allows our tests to pass on processes that have nothing to do.


Try importing name, raise SkipTest on failure.

Parameters:name (str) – Module name to try to import.
Returns:module – Module object imported by importlib.
Return type:module object
Raises:unittest.SkipTest – If the attempted import raises an ImportError.


>>> h5py = import_or_skip('h5py')
>>> h5py.get_config()
<h5py.h5.H5PYConfig at 0x103dd5a78>

Decorator for protocol validator functions.

These functions return (success, err_msg), but sometimes we would rather have an exception.


Return a randomly generated filename.

This filename is appended to the directory path returned by tempfile.gettempdir() and has extension appended to it.

utils Module



Return True if all elements in iterable are equal.

Also returns True if iterable is empty.

class distarray.utils.count_round_trips(client)

Bases: object

Context manager for counting the number of roundtrips between a IPython client and controller.

>>> with count_round_trips(client) as r:
...     send_42_messages()
>>> r.count
distarray.utils.divisors_minmax(n, dmin, dmax)

Find the divisors of n in the interval (dmin,dmax].

distarray.utils.flatten(seq, to_expand=<function list_or_tuple at 0x7f04edaabcf8>)

Flatten a nested sequence.


Does iterable have exactly one non-None element?

distarray.utils.mirror_sort(seq, ref_seq)

Sort seq into the order that ref_seq is in.

>>> mirror_sort(range(5),[1,5,2,4,3])
[0, 4, 1, 3, 2]
distarray.utils.mult_partitions(n, s)

Compute the multiplicative partitions of n of size s

>>> mult_partitions(52,3)
[(2, 2, 13)]
>>> mult_partitions(52,2)
[(2, 26), (4, 13)]
distarray.utils.mult_partitions_recurs(n, s, pd=0)
distarray.utils.remove_elements(to_remove, seq)
distarray.utils.slice_intersection(s1, s2)

Compute a slice that represents the intersection of two slices.

Currently only implemented for steps of size 1.

Return type:slice object