globalapi Package

globalapi Package

Modules dealing with the global index-space view of DistArrays.

In other words, the view from the client.

context Module

Context objects contain the information required for DistArrays to communicate with LocalArrays.

class distarray.globalapi.context.BaseContext

Bases: object

Context objects manage the setup and communication of the worker processes for DistArray objects. A DistArray object has a context, and contexts have an MPI intracommunicator that they use to communicate with worker processes.

Typically there is just one context object that uses all processes, although it is possible to have more than one context with a different selection of engines.

allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
apply(func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None)
delete_key(key, targets=None)

Delete the specific key from all the engines.

empty(shape_or_dist, dtype=<type 'float'>)

Create an empty Distarray.

  • shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
  • dtype (NumPy dtype, optional (default float)) –

A DistArray distributed as specified, with uninitialized values.

Return type:


fromarray(arr, distribution=None)

Create a DistArray from an ndarray.

Parameters:distribution (Distribution object, optional) – If a Distribution object is not provided, one is created with Distribution(arr.shape).
Returns:A DistArray distributed as specified, using the values and dtype from arr.
Return type:DistArray
fromfunction(function, shape, **kwargs)

Create a DistArray from a function over global indices.

Unlike numpy’s fromfunction, the result of distarray’s fromfunction is restricted to the same Distribution as the index array generated from shape.

See numpy.fromfunction for more details.

fromndarray(arr, distribution=None)

Create a DistArray from an ndarray.

Parameters:distribution (Distribution object, optional) – If a Distribution object is not provided, one is created with Distribution(arr.shape).
Returns:A DistArray distributed as specified, using the values and dtype from arr.
Return type:DistArray

Load a distributed array from .dnpy files.

The .dnpy file format is a binary format inspired by NumPy’s .npy format. The header of a particular .dnpy file contains information about which portion of a DistArray is saved in it (using the metadata outlined in the Distributed Array Protocol), and the data portion contains the output of NumPy’s save function for the local array data. See the module docstring for distarray.localapi.format for full details.

Parameters:name (str or list of str) – If a str, this is used as the prefix for the filename used by each engine. Each engine will load a file named <name>_<rank>.dnpy. If a list of str, each engine will use the name at the index corresponding to its rank. An exception is raised if the length of this list is not the same as the context’s communicator’s size.
Returns:result – A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded on each engine.
Return type:DistArray
Raises:TypeError – If name is an iterable whose length is different from the context’s communicator’s size.

See also

Saving files to load with with load_dnpy.
load_hdf5(filename, distribution, key='buffer')

Load a DistArray from a dataset in an .hdf5 file.

  • filename (str) – Filename to load.
  • distribution (Distribution object) –
  • key (str, optional) – The identifier for the group to load the DistArray from (the default is ‘buffer’).

result – A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded.

Return type:


load_npy(filename, distribution)

Load a DistArray from a dataset in a .npy file.

  • filename (str) – Filename to load.
  • distribution (Distribution object) –

result – A DistArray encapsulating the file loaded.

Return type:


ones(shape_or_dist, dtype=<type 'float'>)

Create a Distarray filled with ones.

  • shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
  • dtype (NumPy dtype, optional (default float)) –

A DistArray distributed as specified, filled with ones.

Return type:


push_function(key, func)

Associate a function with this Context. Allows access to the local process and local data associated with each DistArray.

After registering a function with a context, the function can be called as context.func(...). Doing so will call the function locally on target processes determined from the arguments passed in using Context.apply(...). The function can take non-proxied Python objects, DistArrays, or other proxied objects as arguments. Non-proxied Python objects will be broadcasted to all local processes; proxied objects will be dereferenced before calling the function on the local process.

save_dnpy(name, da)

Save a distributed array to files in the .dnpy format.

The .dnpy file format is a binary format inspired by NumPy’s .npy format. The header of a particular .dnpy file contains information about which portion of a DistArray is saved in it (using the metadata outlined in the Distributed Array Protocol), and the data portion contains the output of NumPy’s save function for the local array data. See the module docstring for distarray.localapi.format for full details.

  • name (str or list of str) – If a str, this is used as the prefix for the filename used by each engine. Each engine will save a file named <name>_<rank>.dnpy. If a list of str, each engine will use the name at the index corresponding to its rank. An exception is raised if the length of this list is not the same as the context’s communicator’s size.
  • da (DistArray) – Array to save to files.

TypeError – If name is an sequence whose length is different from the context’s communicator’s size.

See also

Loading files saved with save_dnpy.
save_hdf5(filename, da, key='buffer', mode='a')

Save a DistArray to a dataset in an .hdf5 file.

  • filename (str) – Name of file to write to.
  • da (DistArray) – Array to save to a file.
  • key (str, optional) – The identifier for the group to save the DistArray to (the default is ‘buffer’).
  • mode (optional, {‘w’, ‘w-‘, ‘a’}, default ‘a’) –
    Create file, truncate if exists
    Create file, fail if exists
    Read/write if exists, create otherwise (default)
zeros(shape_or_dist, dtype=<type 'float'>)

Create a Distarray filled with zeros.

  • shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
  • dtype (NumPy dtype, optional (default float)) –

A DistArray distributed as specified, filled with zeros.

Return type:


distarray.globalapi.context.Context(*args, **kwargs)
exception distarray.globalapi.context.ContextCreationError

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

class distarray.globalapi.context.IPythonContext(client=None, targets=None)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.context.BaseContext

Context class that uses IPython.parallel.

See the docstring for BaseContext for more information about Contexts.

See also


apply(func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, autoproxyize=False)

Analogous to IPython.parallel.view.apply_sync

  • func (function) –
  • args (tuple) – positional arguments to func
  • kwargs (dict) – key word arguments to func
  • targets (sequence of integers) – engines func is to be run on.
  • autoproxyize (bool, default False) – If True, implicitly return a Proxy object from the function.

Return type:

return a list of the results on the each engine.


Delete keys that this context created from all the engines.

push_function(key, func, targets=None)
class distarray.globalapi.context.MPIContext(targets=None)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.context.BaseContext

Context class that uses MPI only (no IPython.parallel).

See the docstring for BaseContext for more information about Contexts.

See also


apply(func, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, autoproxyize=False)

Analogous to IPython.parallel.view.apply_sync

  • func (function) –
  • args (tuple) – positional arguments to func
  • kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments to func
  • targets (sequence of integers) – engines func is to be run on.
  • autoproxyize (bool, default False) – If True, implicitly return a Proxy object from the function.

result from each engine.

Return type:



Delete keys that this context created from all the engines.

delete_key(key, targets=None)
push_function(key, func, targets=None)

distarray Module

The DistArray data structure.

DistArray objects are proxies for collections of LocalArray objects. They are meant to roughly emulate NumPy ndarrays.

class distarray.globalapi.distarray.DistArray(distribution, dtype=<type 'float'>)

Bases: object

classmethod from_localarrays(key, context=None, targets=None, distribution=None, dtype=None)

The caller has already created the LocalArray objects. key is their name on the engines. This classmethod creates a DistArray that refers to these LocalArrays.

Either a context or a distribution must also be provided. If context is provided, a dim_data_per_rank will be pulled from the existing LocalArrays and a Distribution will be created from it. If distribution is provided, it should accurately reflect the distribution of the existing LocalArrays.

If dtype is not provided, it will be fetched from the engines.


Pull the LocalArray objects from the engines.

Returns:one localarray per process
Return type:list of localarrays

Pull the local ndarrays from the engines.

Returns:one ndarray per process
Return type:list of ndarrays
max(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None)

Return the maximum of array elements over the given axis.

mean(axis=None, dtype=<type 'float'>, out=None)

Return the mean of array elements over the given axis.

min(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None)

Return the minimum of array elements over the given axis.

std(axis=None, dtype=<type 'float'>, out=None)

Return the standard deviation of array elements over the given axis.

sum(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None)

Return the sum of array elements over the given axis.


Returns the distributed array as an ndarray.


Returns the distributed array as an ndarray.

var(axis=None, dtype=<type 'float'>, out=None)

Return the variance of array elements over the given axis.


New view of array with the same data.

Parameters:dtype (numpy dtype, optional) – Data-type descriptor of the returned view, e.g., float32 or int16. The default, None, results in the view having the same data-type as the original array.
Returns:A view on the original DistArray, optionally with the underlying memory interpreted as a different dtype.
Return type:DistArray


No redistribution is done. The sizes of all LocalArrays must be compatible with the new view.

functions Module

Distributed ufuncs for DistArrays.

distarray.globalapi.functions.absolute(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arccos(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arccosh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arcsin(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arcsinh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arctan(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arctanh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.conjugate(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.cos(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.cosh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.exp(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.expm1(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.invert(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.log(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.log10(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.log1p(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.negative(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.reciprocal(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.rint(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.sign(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.sin(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.sinh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.sqrt(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.square(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.tan(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.tanh(a, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.add(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.arctan2(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.bitwise_and(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.bitwise_or(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.bitwise_xor(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.divide(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.floor_divide(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.fmod(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.hypot(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.left_shift(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.mod(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.multiply(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.power(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.remainder(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.right_shift(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.subtract(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.true_divide(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.less(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.less_equal(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.equal(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.not_equal(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.greater(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
distarray.globalapi.functions.greater_equal(a, b, *args, **kwargs)

ipython_cleanup Module

Functions for cleaning up DistArray objects from IPython parallel engines.

distarray.globalapi.ipython_cleanup.cleanup(view, module_name, prefix)

Delete Context object with the given name from the given module

distarray.globalapi.ipython_cleanup.cleanup_all(module_name, prefix)

Connects to all engines and runs cleanup() on them.


Removes all distarray-related modules from engines’ sys.modules.

distarray.globalapi.ipython_cleanup.get_local_keys(view, prefix)

Returns a dictionary of keyname -> target_list mapping for all names that start with prefix on engines in view.

ipython_utils Module

The single IPython entry point.

maps Module

Distribution class and auxiliary ClientMap classes.

The Distribution is a multi-dimensional map class that manages the one-dimensional maps for each DistArray dimension. The Distribution class represents the distribution information for a distributed array, independent of the distributed array’s data. Distributions allow DistArrays to reduce overall communication when indexing and slicing by determining which processes own (or may possibly own) the indices in question. Two DistArray objects can share the same Distribution if they have the exact same distribution.

The one-dimensional ClientMap classes keep track of which process owns which index in that dimension. This class has several subclasses for specific distribution types, including BlockMap, CyclicMap, NoDistMap, and UnstructuredMap.

class distarray.globalapi.maps.BlockCyclicMap(size, grid_size, block_size=1)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.maps.MapBase

dist = 'c'
classmethod from_axis_dim_dicts(axis_dim_dicts)
classmethod from_global_dim_dict(glb_dim_dict)
class distarray.globalapi.maps.BlockMap(size, grid_size, bounds=None, comm_padding=None, boundary_padding=None)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.maps.MapBase

dist = 'b'
classmethod from_axis_dim_dicts(axis_dim_dicts)
classmethod from_global_dim_dict(glb_dim_dict)

Make a new Map from a slice.


Scale this map for the view method.

class distarray.globalapi.maps.Distribution

Bases: object

Governs the mapping between global indices and process ranks for multi-dimensional objects.

classmethod from_dim_data_per_rank(context, dim_data_per_rank, targets=None)

Create a Distribution from a sequence of dim_data tuples.

  • context (Context object) –
  • dim_data_per_rank (Sequence of dim_data tuples, one per rank) – See the “Distributed Array Protocol” for a description of dim_data tuples.
  • targets (Sequence of int, optional) – Sequence of engine target numbers. Default: all available

Return type:


classmethod from_global_dim_data(context, global_dim_data, targets=None)

Make a Distribution from a global_dim_data structure.

  • context (Context object) –
  • global_dim_data (tuple of dict) – A global dimension dictionary per dimension. See following Note section.
  • targets (Sequence of int, optional) – Sequence of engine target numbers. Default: all available

Return type:



The global_dim_data tuple is a simple, straightforward data structure that allows full control over all aspects of a DistArray’s distribution information. It does not contain any of the array’s data, only the metadata needed to specify how the array is to be distributed. Each dimension of the array is represented by corresponding dictionary in the tuple, one per dimension. All dictionaries have a dist_type key that specifies whether the array is block, cyclic, or unstructured. The other keys in the dictionary are dependent on the dist_type key.


  • dist_type is 'b'.

  • bounds is a sequence of integers, at least two elements.

    The bounds sequence always starts with 0 and ends with the global size of the array. The other elements indicate the local array global index boundaries, such that successive pairs of elements from bounds indicates the start and stop indices of the corresponding local array.

  • comm_padding integer, greater than or equal to zero.

  • boundary_padding integer, greater than or equal to zero.

These integer values indicate the communication or boundary padding, respectively, for the local arrays. Currently only a single value for both boundary_padding and comm_padding is allowed for the entire dimension.


  • dist_type is 'c'
  • proc_grid_size integer, greater than or equal to one.

The size of the process grid in this dimension. Equivalent to the number of local arrays in this dimension and determines the number of array sections.

  • size integer, greater than or equal to zero.

The global size of the array in this dimension.

  • block_size integer, optional. Greater than or equal to one.

If not present, equivalent to being present with value of one.


  • dist_type is 'u'

  • indices sequence of one-dimensional numpy integer arrays or buffers.

    The len(indices) is the number of local unstructured arrays in this dimension.

    To compute the global size of the array in this dimension, compute sum(len(ii) for ii in indices).


The 'n' distribution type is a convenience to specify that an array is not distributed along this dimension.

  • dist_type is 'n'
  • size integer, greater than or equal to zero.

The global size of the array in this dimension.

classmethod from_maps(context, maps, targets=None)

Create a Distribution from a sequence of Maps.

  • context (Context object) –
  • maps (Sequence of Map objects) –
  • targets (Sequence of int, optional) – Sequence of engine target numbers. Default: all available

Return type:



Does the client-side Distribution know precisely who owns all indices?

This can be used to determine whether one needs to use the checked version of __getitem__ or __setitem__ on LocalArrays.


Returns a list of ranks that may possibly own the location in the idxs tuple.

For many distribution types, the owning rank is precisely known; for others, it is only probably known. When the rank is precisely known, owning_ranks() returns a list of exactly one rank. Otherwise, returns a list of more than one rank.

If the idxs tuple is out of bounds, raises IndexError.


Like owning_ranks() but returns a list of targets rather than ranks.

Convenience method meant for IPython parallel usage.


Returns a new Distribution reduced along axis, i.e., the new distribution has one fewer dimension than self.


Make a new Distribution from a slice.


Generate a new Distribution for use with DistArray.view.

class distarray.globalapi.maps.MapBase

Bases: object

Base class for one-dimensional client-side maps.

Maps keep track of the relevant distribution information for a single dimension of a distributed array. Maps allow distributed arrays to keep track of which process to talk to when indexing and slicing.

Classes that inherit from MapBase must implement the index_owners() abstractmethod.

classmethod from_axis_dim_dicts(axis_dim_dicts)

Make a Map from a sequence of process-local dimension dictionaries.

There should be one such dimension dictionary per process.

classmethod from_global_dim_dict(glb_dim_dict)

Make a Map from a global dimension dictionary.


Return a dim_dict per process in this dimension.


Returns a list of process IDs in this dimension that might possibly own idx.

Raises IndexError if idx is out of bounds.

class distarray.globalapi.maps.NoDistMap(size, grid_size)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.maps.MapBase

dist = 'n'
classmethod from_axis_dim_dicts(axis_dim_dicts)
classmethod from_global_dim_dict(glb_dim_dict)

Make a new Map from a slice.


Scale this map for the view method.

class distarray.globalapi.maps.UnstructuredMap(size, grid_size, indices=None)

Bases: distarray.globalapi.maps.MapBase

dist = 'u'
classmethod from_axis_dim_dicts(axis_dim_dicts)
classmethod from_global_dim_dict(glb_dim_dict)
distarray.globalapi.maps.asdistribution(context, shape_or_dist, dist=None, grid_shape=None, targets=None)

Choose a map class given one of the distribution types.


Given a global_dim_dict return map.

distarray.globalapi.maps.map_from_sizes(size, dist_type, grid_size)

Returns an instance of the appropriate subclass of MapBase.

random Module

Contains the Random class that emulates numpy.random for DistArray.

class distarray.globalapi.random.Random(context)

Bases: object

normal(shape_or_dist, loc=0.0, scale=1.0)

Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

The probability density function of the normal distribution, first derived by De Moivre and 200 years later by both Gauss and Laplace independently [2], is often called the bell curve because of its characteristic shape (see the example below).

The normal distributions occurs often in nature. For example, it describes the commonly occurring distribution of samples influenced by a large number of tiny, random disturbances, each with its own unique distribution [2].

  • loc (float) – Mean (“centre”) of the distribution.
  • scale (float) – Standard deviation (spread or “width”) of the distribution.
  • shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –


The probability density for the Gaussian distribution is

\[p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{ 2 \pi \sigma^2 }} e^{ - \frac{ (x - \mu)^2 } {2 \sigma^2} },\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\sigma\) the standard deviation. The square of the standard deviation, \(\sigma^2\), is called the variance.

The function has its peak at the mean, and its “spread” increases with the standard deviation (the function reaches 0.607 times its maximum at \(x + \sigma\) and \(x - \sigma\) [2]). This implies that numpy.random.normal is more likely to return samples lying close to the mean, rather than those far away.


[1]Wikipedia, “Normal distribution”,
[2](1, 2, 3) P. R. Peebles Jr., “Central Limit Theorem” in “Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles”, 4th ed., 2001, pp. 51, 51, 125.

Random values over a given distribution.

Create a distarray of the given shape and propagate it with random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1).

Parameters:shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
Returns:out – Random values.
Return type:DistArray
randint(shape_or_dist, low, high=None)

Return random integers from low (inclusive) to high (exclusive).

Return random integers from the “discrete uniform” distribution in the “half-open” interval [low, high). If high is None (the default), then results are from [0, low).

  • shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
  • low (int) – Lowest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution (unless high=None, in which case this parameter is the highest such integer).
  • high (int, optional) – if provided, one above the largest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution (see above for behavior if high=None).

out – DistArray of random integers from the appropriate distribution.

Return type:

DistArray of ints


Return samples from the “standard normal” distribution.

Parameters:shape_or_dist (shape tuple or Distribution object) –
Returns:out – A DistArray of floating-point samples from the standard normal distribution.
Return type:DistArray

Seed the random number generators on each engine.

Parameters:seed (None, int, or array of integers) –

Base random number seed to use on each engine. If None, then a non-deterministic seed is obtained from the operating system. Otherwise, the seed is used as passed, and the sequence of random numbers will be deterministic.

Each individual engine has its state adjusted so that it is different from each other engine. Thus, each engine will compute a different sequence of random numbers.